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Works Edited in OEPF

- Directed by Martin Foys, University of Wisconsin-Madison

OEPF is a Medieval Academy of America Medieval Digital Resource, peer reviewed and formally recommended by members of the Speculum Review Board and the Medieval Academy of America’s Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Committee.

Works already fully edited to digital facsimile in OEPF. Work on the project is ongoing, with estimated completion in 2028.

• Total works edited in OEPF: 314

• Total lines edited in OEPF: 23,906

• % of poetic corpus edited in OEPF: 77.1%

• % of poetic corpus available in digital facsimile editions (OEPF, Beowulf and "Cædmon's Hymn" ): 87.5%

OEPF work completed: 85.9%

• For Beowulf, see Kevin Kiernan, ed. Electronic Beowulf, 4th Edition (2015): http://ebeowulf.uky.edu/ebeo4.0/

• For "Cædmon's Hymn", see Dan O'Donnell, ed. Cædmon’s Hymn: A Multimedia Study, Edition and Archive (2005, 2018): https://caedmon.seenet.org/

Note: Below are all completed OEPF editions. We are in the process of updating this list to contain direct links to all individual editions. If a title below is a link, click on it to go right to the desired edition. Otherwise, you can use the individual index links (where available), link directly to the project's index for all editions from here, or, once inside the OEPF project, open the different category folders to see edited works, digital facsimiles and translations.

Junius 11:

Index of Junius 11 Poems

Metrical Inscriptions
Genesis A/B
Christ and Satan

Exeter Book:

Index of Exeter Book Poems

Christ I (Advent Lyrics)
Christ II (Ascension)
Christ III (Judgment Day)
Consolation (Homiletic Fragment II)
Fortunes of Mortals
Gifts of Humanity
The Life of Guthlac (A)
The Death of Guthlac (B)
Judgement Day I
Order of the World / Wonder of Creation
The Riming Poem
The Seafarer
The Wanderer
The Whale

Exeter Book Riddles (see column three)

Vercelli Book:

Index of Vercelli Book Poems

Deceit (Homiletic Fragment I)
“Doomsday” (Homily 21a, poetic fragment)
The Dream of the Rood
“The Fall of Angels” (Homily 21b, poetic fragment)
The Fates of the Apostles
Soul and Body I

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (CCCC) 201:

Index of CCCC 201 Verse

Judgment Day II
The Lord's Prayer II
Rewards of Piety

Junius 121:

Index of Junius 121 Verse (including psalm fragments)

Apostolic Creed
The Lord's Prayer III

Other Manuscript Verse:

"Aldhelm’s Preface" (CCCC MS 326)
The Battle of Maldon
“Bede’s Colophon” (CCCC MS 41)
"Cædmon's Hymn" [West Saxon]
"Durham" (CUL MS Ff.1.27 and Hickes 1705 printing)
"The Fight at Finnsburg" (Hickes 1705 printing)
Judith (BL MS Cotton Vitellius A. xv)
The Kentish Hymn (BL MS Cotton Vespasian D.vi)
Maxims II (BL MS Cotton Tiberius B.i)
The Menologium (BL MS Cotton Tiberius B.i)
"Preface to Gregory's Dialogues" (BL MS Cotton Otho C.i/2)
“Rochester Waters” (Textus Roffensis)
The Rune Poem (*BL MS Cotton Otho B.x; Hickes 1705 printing)
Seasons for Fasting (*BL MS Cotton Otho B.ix; Nowell transcription)
Solomon and Saturn I, II & Prose (CCCC MS 41 & CCCC MS 422)
Thureth (BL MS Cotton Claudius A.iii)
Waldere A & B (Royal Danish Library MS NKS 167 b, 4º)

Psalmic Verse:

Index of Psalmic Verse

"Christus Cyning" (BL MS Royal 2.B.v)
"Gyrnað and Gretað" (BL MS Royal 2.B.v)
Kentish Psalm 50 (BL MS Cotton Vespasian D.vi)
Junius 121 Psalm 5:1-4
Junius 121 Psalm 19:9
Junius 121 Psalm 24:3-6
Junius 121 Psalm 27:10
Junius 121 Psalm 32:18
Junius 121 Psalm 34:1-3
Junius 121 Psalm 40:4
Junius 121 Psalm 43:27
Junius 121 Psalm 50:1 & 10-13
Paris Psalm 51:6-8 (fragment)
Paris Psalm 52
Paris Psalm 53 & Junius 121 Psalm 53:1
Paris Psalm 54
Paris Psalm 55
Paris Psalm 56
Paris Psalm 57
Paris Psalm 58 & Junius 121 Psalm 58:1-2
Paris Psalm 59
Paris Psalm 60 & Junius 121 Psalm 60:6.2-4
Paris Psalm 61
Paris Psalm 62
Paris Psalm 63
Paris Psalm 64 & Junius 121 Psalm 64:6
Paris Psalm 65
Paris Psalm 66
Paris Psalm 67:1-28.1 (fragment)
Paris Psalm 68
Paris Psalm 69 & Junius 121 Psalm 69:1(a/b)
Paris Psalm 70 & Junius 121 Psalm 70:7
Paris Psalm 71
Paris Psalm 72
Paris Psalm 73
Paris Psalm 74
Paris Psalm 75
Paris Psalm 76
Paris Psalm 77
Paris Psalm 78
Paris Psalm 79:1-18.1 (fragment) & Junius 121 Psalm 79:18
Paris Psalm 80:8-15 (fragment)
Paris Psalm 81
Paris Psalm 82
Paris Psalm 83
Paris Psalm 84 & Junius 121 Psalm 84:4.1-2
Paris Psalm 85
Paris Psalm 86
Paris Psalm 87 & Junius 121 Psalm 87:13
Paris Psalm 88
Paris Psalm 89 & Junius 121 Psalm 89:15 & 89:18-19
Paris Psalm 90 & Eadwine Psalm 90:16
Paris & Eadwine Psalm 91
Paris & Eadwine Psalm 92
Paris & Eadwine Psalm 93
Paris & Eadwine Psalm 94
Paris Psalm 95 & Eadwine Psalm 95:1-2.1
Paris Psalm 96:1 (fragment)
Paris Psalm 97:8-9 (fragment)
Paris Psalm 98
Paris Psalm 99
Paris Psalm 100
Paris Psalm 101 & Junius 121 Psalm 101:1
Paris Psalm 102 & Junius 121 Psalm 102:1-5
Paris Psalm 103
Paris Psalm 104
Paris Psalm 105
Paris Psalm 106
Paris Psalm 107
Paris Psalm 108
Paris Psalm 109
Paris Psalm 110
Paris Psalm 111
Paris Psalm 112
Paris Psalm 113
Paris Psalm 114
Paris Psalm 115
Paris Psalm 116
Paris Psalm 117
Paris Psalm 118
Paris Psalm 119
Paris Psalm 120
Paris Psalm 121 & Junius 121 Psalm 121:7
Paris Psalm 122 & Junius 121 Psalm 122:3.1-2a
Paris Psalm 123
Paris Psalm 124
Paris Psalm 125
Paris Psalm 126
Paris Psalm 127
Paris Psalm 128
Paris Psalm 129
Paris Psalm 130
Paris Psalm 131
Paris Psalm 132
Paris Psalm 133
Paris Psalm 134
Paris Psalm 135
Paris Psalm 136
Paris Psalm 137
Paris Psalm 138
Paris Psalm 139 & Junius 121 Psalm 139:1.1-2
Paris Psalm 140 & Junius 121 Psalm 140:2
Paris Psalm 141
Object Verse:

Brussels Cross / Reliquary
Carlisle Memorial
Dewsbury Monument
Falstone Memorial
Franks Casket
Great Urswick / “Tunwini” Stone
Honington Runic Clip
Overchurch Memorial
Ruthwell Cross
Sutton / “Ædwen” Disc Brooch
Thornhill 2: “Berhtswith” Memorial
Thornhill 3: “Ethelwini” Memorial
Wycliffe Memorial
Yarm Memorial

Micro-Verses (Manuscript):

Ælfwine Cryptogram (BL MS Cotton Vitellius E.xviii)
"Christus Cyning" (BL MS Royal 2.B.v)
"Gyrnað and Gretað" (BL MS Royal 2.B.v)
"Eglaf and Ulf" (BL MS Additional 40000)
Epic Scribble (BL MS Harley 208)
Junius 11 Metrical Inscriptions
Two Latin-English Proverbs (BL MS Cotton Faustina A.x & BL MS Royal 2.B.v)
A Saxon Maxim (Codex Vindobonensis 751.1)

Old English Chronicle Verse:

The Battle of Brunanburh (937 ABCDG)
"Ælfric and Swein" (1003 CDEF)
"The Capture of the Five Boroughs" (942 ABCDG)
"The Death of Alfred" (1036 CD)
"Edward and Edmund" (1057 D)
"The Death of Edward" (1065 CD)
"The Expulsion of the Monks" (975 D)
"Margaret and Malcom" (1065 D)
"The Rhyme of King William" (1086 E)
“The Second Death of Edgar” (975 DE)
"The Suffering under King Henry" (1104 E)
“The Wedding Conspiracy” (1075 DE)


“Against a Dwarf” (BL MS Harley 585)
“Against a Wen” (BL MS Royal 4.A.xiv)
Charms for Birth (BL MS Harley 585)
“For a Sudden Stitch” (BL MS Harley 585)
“For a Swarm of Bees” (CCCC MS 41)
“For Loss of Cattle” (A) (BL MS Harley 585)
“For Loss of Cattle” (B) (CCCC MS 41)
“For Theft of Cattle” (CCCC MS 41)
“For Unfruitful Land” (BL MS Cotton Caligula A.vii)
“For the Water-Elf Disease” (BL Royal MS 12D. xvii)
“A Journey Charm” (CCCC MS 41)
“The Nine Herbs Charm” (BL MS Harley 585)

Homiletic Verse:

“Doomsday” (Homily 21a, poetic fragment)
“The Fall of Angels” (Homily 21b, poetic fragment)
Deceit (Homiletic Fragment I) (Vercelli Book)
Consolation (Homiletic Fragment II) (Exeter Book)
Boethian Meters (BL MS Cotton Otho A.vi & Bodleian MS Junius 12, with multi-spectral imaging from the Electronic Boethius Project):

Index of Boethian Verse

Verse Preface
Meter 1
Meter 2
Meter 3
Meter 4
Meter 5
Meter 6
Meter 7
Meter 8
Meter 9
Meter 10
Meter 11
Meter 12
Meter 13
Meter 14
Meter 15
Meter 16


Index of Exeter Book Poems (including riddles)

Exeter Riddle 1/2/3 (1a/1b/1c)
Exeter Riddle 4
Exeter Riddle 5
Exeter Riddle 6
Exeter Riddle 7
Exeter Riddle 8
Exeter Riddle 9
Exeter Riddle 10
Exeter Riddle 11
Exeter Riddle 12
Exeter Riddle 13
Exeter Riddle 14
Exeter Riddle 15
Exeter Riddle 16
Exeter Riddle 17
Exeter Riddle 18
Exeter Riddle 19
Exeter Riddle 20
Exeter Riddle 21
Exeter Riddle 22
Exeter Riddle 23
Exeter Riddle 24
Exeter Riddle 25
Exeter Riddle 26
Exeter Riddle 27
Exeter Riddle 28
Exeter Riddle 29
Exeter Riddle 30A & Riddle 30B
Exeter Riddle 31
Exeter Riddle 32
Exeter Riddle 33
Exeter Riddle 34
Exeter Riddle 35 & “The Leiden Riddle” (VLQ MS 106)
Exeter Riddle 36
Exeter Riddle 37
Exeter Riddle 38
Exeter Riddle 39
Exeter Riddle 40
Exeter Riddle 41
Exeter Riddle 42/43
Exeter Riddle 44
Exeter Riddle 45
Exeter Riddle 46
Exeter Riddle 47/48
Exeter Riddle 49
Exeter Riddle 50
Exeter Riddle 51
Exeter Riddle 52
Exeter Riddle 53
Exeter Riddle 54
Exeter Riddle 55
Exeter Riddle 56
Exeter Riddle 57
Exeter Riddle 58
Exeter Riddle 59
Exeter Riddle 60
Exeter Riddle 61
Exeter Riddle 62
Exeter Riddle 63
Exeter Riddle 64
Exeter Riddle 65
Exeter Riddle 66
Exeter Riddle 67
Exeter Riddles 68 & 69 (or 68a/b)
Exeter Riddles 70a & 70b
Exeter Riddle 71
Exeter Riddle 72
Exeter Riddle 73
Exeter Riddle 74
Exeter Riddle 75 & 76 (or 75a/b)
Exeter Riddle 77
Exeter Riddle 78
Exeter Riddle 79 & 80 (or 80a/b)
Exeter Riddle 81
Exeter Riddle 82
Exeter Riddle 83
Exeter Riddle 84
Exeter Riddle 85
Exeter Riddle 86
Exeter Riddle 87