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Support for OEPF

Acknowledgments and Credits

We are grateful for the support for this project from the UW-Madison Department of English, and the UW-Madison Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture. Funding for the development of the larger Digital Mappa resource vitally came from the National Endowment for the Humanities' Office of Digital Humanities (ODH), and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF).

As importantly, a project like this is simply not possible without institutions such as the British Library, the Parker Library, the Bodleian Libraries, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, and others making digital facsimiles of manuscripts and other content freely available through Creative Commons licenses or the equivalent. Thank you for providing such massive scaffolding on which to build the next generation of scholarship.

A special thanks to Ophelia Eryn Hostetter for permission to use their numerous translations from the Old English Poetry Project.